7 Closest Substitute For White Cheddar Cheese!


Although it’s not a rare cheese anymore, still sometimes you may have a hard time looking for white cheddar cheese at the next-door shop. In this situation, you can always have a good substitute for white cheddar cheese. 

So, which is the substitute for white cheddar cheese

Yellow cheddar, cantal cheese, Colby cheese, and Edam cheese are great substitutes for white cheddar cheese. They have almost similar flavors and textures. Double Gloucester, Gruyère, and brick cheese are also good substitutes for white cheddar cheese. Vegan cheddar cheese is a great alternative to white cheddar if you are on a vegan diet. 

These cheeses might not serve you by name. However, in taste and flavor, it will feel almost similar to white cheddar. Keep reading to know more about them. 


What is a Substitute for White Cheddar Cheese?

Here are some most similar white cheddar substitutes. 

1. Yellow Cheddar


Yellow cheddar cheese is closely related to white cheddar cheese. Both yellow and white cheddar cheese are the same in the process of manufacturing and maturing. The only difference between white and yellow cheddar cheese is, in yellow cheddar, annatto is used. 

Annatto is orange and red savory that is mainly used for food coloring. It originated mainly in Mexico, from the seeds of the achiote tree.

Yellow cheddar cheese is prepared with annatto in order to add value to the traditional yellow color in it. However, yellow cheddar cheese of the same age as white cheddar cheese is undoubtedly the closest sharp white cheddar substitute. So, just consider the color, and you will get the best substitute for white cheddar cheese. 

Are you wondering, white cheddar vs orange cheddar – what’s the difference? 

Similar to the yellow cheddar, food coloring is used in the orange cheddar, unlike white cheddar. In orange cheddar, natural food coloring derived from vegetables is used to give it a distinctive orange color. Tastewise, both white and orange cheddar cheeses are similar.

2. Cantal Cheese

Cantal is one of the oldest cheeses from France. It is one of the most alike White cheddar cheeses. In fact, Cantal is called the cousin of white cheddar cheese.
There are two kinds of cantal available:

  • Cantar laitier: It is the most popular version of cantal. Cantar laitier is actually prepared from pasteurized milk. It is also the mass-produced Cantal.
  • Cantal fermier: Cantal fermier is made of sore milk. And it is usually farmhouse cheese.

Cantal can be used both as grating and as an add-on with snacks. Its sweet milky aroma makes this cheese one of the most demanding.

As it matures with time. A strong well-matured sharp cantal is a perfect substitute for sharp white cheddar cheese. Upon a certain time, they both match in flavor and almost feel the same in dedicated recipes.

Originating in the USA, Colby is semi-hard cow milk-made cheese. It is orange in color. And in flavor, you will have a nutty feel in your taste buds. 

However, Colby is very mild in nature. And because it is cleared with water, the acidic nature of this cheese is minimized. Hence, it almost tastes sweet and less sharp in nature.

Also, Colby doesn’t mature well enough with age. Hence, the sharpness and tangy nature that is supposed to be found in aged white cheddar cheese are not available here.

This is why Colby is a good substitute for mild white cheddar cheese. In fact, the mild white cheddar cheese and Colby cheese of any age are inseparably close in taste and nature. 

3. Edam Cheese

Edam is a semi-hard cheese. It is originally found in the Netherlands, in the town of Edam. Edam is soft in nature with a bit of saltiness in it. At an early age, you might feel the nutty flavor of this cheese also.

However, there remains a good reputation for Edam. It doesn’t rot or get worse with age; only gets drier and brittle in nature. This is mostly because of the red outermost surface of this cheese. Also, compared to other cheeses in fat, Edam is relatively low in fat.

If you want to ship Edam with white cheddar, you can have a nice substitute for mild white cheddar cheese. They both melt and tatter very well and would be a nice choice for grating. 

However, when using Edam as a substitute for white cheddar, you have to keep its low-fat nature in mind. Depending on the recipe and cuisine, you might need to add a rich cheese in fat. 

4. Double Gloucester cheese

Double Gloucester has a very solid and savory flavor. It is a hard cheese in nature and made of pasteurized/ unpasteurized cow’s milk. Double Gloucester is originally found in Gloucestershire, England.

There are two types of Gloucester available. 

  • Single Gloucester: It is a pale yellow-colored Gloucester cheese, made of skimmed milk. Single Gloucesters have a sweet and tangy flavor both in harmony.
  • Double Gloucester: This version of Gloucester has a pale or heavy orange texture. And it has a sweet creamy flavor.
    During the preparation of Gloucester cheese, it is made sure that Double Gloucester ages for a longer time. Ans Double Gloucester also offers a richer flavor and texture than the Single Gloucester. 

Shipping Double Gloucester with white cheddar cheese can be really a nice option. As both of these cheeses melt quickly. They both can be used as cheese sauces with the same attributes.

5. Gruyère Cheese

Gruyère cheese has a nutty and slightly sweet flavor with a smooth texture which can be a good substitute for cheddar cheese. Although you will have a milder taste from this cheese than white cheddar, the texture and base note won’t disappoint you. 

This Swiss cheese is perfect for dipping and eating with crackers. You can also enjoy this tasty cheese on its own. 

6. Brick Cheese

The nutty flavor of matured brick cheese is almost similar to the taste of white cheddar cheese. So, flavorwise, it’s a great white cheddar alternative. 

However, brick cheese has a softer texture than white cheddar cheese. If you are making dishes like mac n cheese or a grilled cheese sandwich, brick cheese is an excellent choice. you can also make a delicious French dip sandwich with this one.

7. Vegan Cheddar

If you are looking for a vegan cheese option that is more similar in taste and texture to white cheddar cheese,  go for vegan cheddar. Vegan cheddar cheese is made from plant-based ingredients like coconut oil and is designed to mimic the flavor and texture of dairy-based cheddar cheese.

Although the taste of vegan cheddar is not as sharp as the regular white cheddar, as a close vegan substitute, it will work. 

Try to go for a good vegan cheddar brand to get the best flavor. For example, GimMe Vegan White Cheddar and Daiya Cheddar Style Vegan Cheese are great options. 

Our list of white cheddar subsitites ends here. However, there are plenty of other cheeses like Brick, Mimolette, Tillamook, mature Gouda, and some other varieties that you can easily replace for white cheddar cheese substitutes. These cheese melt easily so you don’t have to suffer from cheese not melting in milk problems while making a dish.


What is the difference between white cheddar and regular cheddar?

The main difference between white cheddar and other regular cheddar is the color. White cheddar cheese obtains the natural color of cheddar cheese since preparation. A bit of its credit goes to which time of the year white cheddar is being made and how fresh the grass is; the grass that is being served to the cows.

However,  other cheeses like yellow or orange cheddar bear no noticeable difference from white cheddar cheese. They all feel the same in texture and flavor. The prime difference is in the addition of annatto; natural food coloring.

Other regular cheddars may have been treated with annatto; whereas white cheddar is not.

Can you substitute mozzarella for white cheddar?

The answer to this question mostly depends on which recipe or cuisine you are preparing. Some dishes like pizza, lasagna, or even tortillas will have better flavor if added with white cheddar. On the other hand, in foods like burgers, and fruit salad mozzarella will be the best choice.

However, be it white cheddar cheese or mozzarella, they both have a sharp salty flavor and melt easily. While taking your bite with mozzarella, you will feel the same stretchy, soft, and sticky creamy flavor in your mouth like white cheddar but with more taste. 

Is Monterey Jack the same as white cheddar?

No, Monterey Jack is not the same as white cheddar.

Monterey Jack also known as Jack in short is a semi-hard California white cheese. It is made of cow’s milk just like white cheddar cheese. It has a light flavor with a touch of a little sweetness.

Whereas, white cheddar is creamy and tangy in nature. And the sharp flavor increases as it grows old with time. White cheddar should be there as a last resort for Monterey Jack.

What kind of cheese is white cheddar?


White cheddar is a popular variety of cheddar cheese. White cheddars are semi-hard cow milk-made cheese that is not colored. They are simply off-white or slightly bitterish in color. Yellow or orange cheddar is prepared with food coloring, specifically annatto. However, white cheddar cheese is free from this condiment since its first preparation; but is rich in flavor in every way.
The texture and flavor of white cheddar cheese get more crumbly and moisture-free with time as the cheese begins to grow old.

Final Words

I think now you’re clear about the best substitutes for white cheddar.

Out of the many varieties of cheese, white cheddar cheese is one of the most popular one next to mozzarella. In the UK alone, cheddar cheese has covered 51% of its annual cheese market. White cheddar cheese is also a nice source of calcium as well.

However, sometimes you may find it hard to grab a white cheddar cheese at crucial needs. In times like this, we hope our guide will remind you what is a good substitute for white cheddar cheese. If you find our article useful, do let others know as well.

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